Yes you read the title right I am feeding my family this week on $13.42. So I'm sure you're wondering: A: how he did it. B: Ramen is not a Meal! C: How can I do that?
First I am going to unveil a secret piece to the couponing puzzle that people overlook when first starting out. The stockpiling phase! When you begin couponing your shops aren't necessarily what you see on TLC's Extreme Couponing but do include buying in bulk. You typically need to go through what is called a stock up/stockpiling/food storage phase. What this means is that you are going to shop in bulk ON THE CHEAP! instead of saving 10-15% shopping at a Costco or a Sams Club you will simply use coupons and buy in bulk for 50-90% savings and start stockpiling what you buy. For instance I probably have 20 boxes of cereal (cost me between free - 80cents) and 50 boxes of pasta (all free) in my storage now...when do you think I will have to buy those again? not for a long time, just to replenish!
A: How I did it = I simply looked into my stockpile and made a meal plan around it, then went and bought some necessities that are more perishable (milk, breads, cheese) along with some odds and ends for some recipes.
B: You are absolutely right, Ramen is not a meal! So lets take a look at this weeks menu and you tell me what you think?
Fri = Mushroom Swiss Cheeseburgers with Tater tots
Sat = Chicken Parmesan with French Bread
Sun = Shredded Steak Enchiladas with Rice
Mon = Potato Cheese Soup with grilled cheese
Tues = Bananas Fosters Pancakes with Sausage (my kids love breakfast for dinner)
Wed = Beer Brats with Fresh fruit
Thurs = Left over night (my fave, plus helps clean out the fridge)
C: How can you pull this off. I spend 5 min a week sorting my coupons and it takes me ruffly 20-40 minutes to print/clip/meal plan a shopping trip and drive to the store! I suggest simply booking a class, it worked wonders for me and my family and made what seemed impossible very possible.
PS - What inspired this trip was doing the laundry. I kept coming up with more and more spare change in pockets and thought "I bet I could feed us for a week on this" so I took the change along with whatever change was in my couch and in my car console and took it Coinstar at Smiths at got a ticket for $15.69. So after buying what I needed I still have $2.27 for next time. Yes...I fed a family of 5 on their own spare change they didn't know existed. THAT'S USING THE FORCE!!!!